Friday, February 18, 2011


  Directed by David Fincher

     I know, to have waited this long to see this movie is a crime.  But if you think about how I still haven't even seen The Godfather yet, this is pretty excusable.  Se7en is a horrific crime thriller about two detectives (Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt) investigating a series of murders that are being modeled after the seven deadly sins.

     If you have seen Fight Club, you know that Brad Pitt can really act and works exceptionally well with Fincher.  This is easily one of Pitt's best performances and Morgan Freeman delivers an excellent portrayal of a detective looking to get out of the crime-infested city with his retirement just days away.  If there is one thing Fincher excels at in all of his movies, it's his driving force of tension that builds on itself throughout all of his films.  Se7en is no exception, and it adds some horror film tones to each murder that is investigated.

      If you are a fan of any David Fincher movie (Fight Club, Zodiac, The Social Network), then I highly recommend watching Se7en.  It is an incredibly tense, tragic, dark, evil and well-crafted thriller that will keep you guessing (Shit, that sounds cliche).  If you are looking to have a horror-movie night, try picking this as an alternative.  It will satisfy your horror needs, while provided much more:  a story with depth, characters you feel for, and nothing unnecessary.

My rating:  8.5 out of 10

Written by Tim